Project Profile - Pool

Project Profile

Race Street Pier Sculpture

This project is the beginning of Philadelphia Contemporary’s initiative to install a total of five contemporary sculptures along the Delaware River waterfront in Philadelphia. The sculpture, which consists of five birds perched on top of poles facing in different directions, is titled “A Moment Without You” and was created by British artist Tracey Emin. This art installation resides at the end of the Race Street Pier below the Ben Franklin Bridge.


Opening Quote

My husband and I are enjoying the new enclosed stairways in our building. They are attractive and will be especially nice in the winter.

We want to thank [AdamsBickel] Superintendent John and his entire crew for the way they handled the transformation. The scheduled hours were great. There was the expected noise and dust, but those men and women helped us navigate our way through the work areas. They were friendly, polite, answered questions if they could, and kept their conversations and music on a quiet level. At the end of each day, everything was clean - no trash or equipment in our way.

Just a fine group of people.

Closing Quote
F. Jones, Resident of New Britain Apartments